Semi-shade; ideally in a place receiving direct sunlight in the morning and afternoon but where it is shaded from the sun at noon.
Check your bonsai on a daily basis, to see whether it has started to dry out. When you observe it has started to dry (this is apparent from the growing medium turning lighter in colour)water thoroughly. During late October until mid to late February your bonsai is unlikely to dry out,if kept outside. However, checking the need to water during this time of year, is still advisable once a week.
Bonsai grow in a limited amount of “soil” and therefore it is essential to provide them with a regular supply of fertiliser to keep them healthy and growing well. To achieve this they should be fed with a balanced N.P.K. Feed. This can be either a synthetic feed , such as Chrysal liquid bonsai feed, or an organic feed such as Naruko or Biogold. Bonsai should be fed during the growing season, typically from March through to October (sometimes conifers may benefit from feeding until mid November).Indoor bonsai should be fed throughout the year. The interval between feeding should however be increased in the Winter.
When your bonsai has produced plenty of new growth, this should be pruned back to keep the bonsai in shape .This will also prevent inner growth from weakening and dying. However periods of time when new growth is left unpruned will help to keep your bonsai healthy and pest free.
Typically bonsai need repotting every 2 to 3 years. Factors such as the age and vigour of your bonsai determine when repotting will be necessary. If a bonsai is left in its pot for longer periods of time it will become increasingly pot bound and its vigour will diminish until ultimately it will die. This is because the whole of the pot will become full of root and air and water spaces will decrease. By repotting your bonsai and trimming its roots (Typically by removing about 1/3 of the rootball) and refilling the pot with fresh soil ,you will keep your tree healthy.